Delmarva Based All-in-One Solution for Trades-Based Business Lead Generation & CRM

  • Automatically text your website visitors to help them schedule a service.

  • Easily send your customers a review request.

  • Turn clicks into paying customers.

  • One place to manage texts, emails, Facebook & Instagram messages, Google My Business messages, and even phone calls!

Delmarva Owned and Operated

Centric Marketing is based right here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland! We value your business to our local economy and cannot wait to increase your leads, start automation, and grow your sales!

Customer Relationship Management

Connect with your customers directly through the Centric Marketing software. Communicate with your customers using Facebook, Instagram, Texts, Emails, and Google My Business ALL IN ONE PLACE. Never miss out on a potential customer again!

Powerful Advertisements & Pop-Ups

Embark on a highly effective advertising journey with the fusion of Google and Facebook paid ads, coupled with the implementation of strategically designed custom pop-ups integrated into your website, offering a comprehensive and impactful approach to capturing leads from your audience with paid ads and organic methods.

Automated Messaging and Review Requests

Never worry about making the initial text or email to a prospective customer. Our automated text messages and emails will start the conversations for you using custom templates! Once you perform your service, our software will automatically request a review from the customer!

Why use Centric Marketing?

We’re Here For You

There are many companies out there that are just looking to do the bare minimum to make as much money as they can. Centric Marketing is the polar opposite. We are here to work for you and do everything we can AND MORE to increase your leads and make customer management easier for you and your company.

Customized Experience

We don’t just copy and paste for every client we work with. Expect a customized experience for your business. Custom automations, advertisements, and more. When you want something changed or tailored perfectly to your business, we will be here every step of the way.

Customer Service Oriented

We don’t just see you as another client, we see you as a partner on our team. We want to work not just for you, but alongside you and your company. With Centric Marketing, you will enjoy urgent customer service from another human. Not some bot or AI.